Concepts Realized

Covid, market disruptions, WFH…recent times could have been the worst time to start a consultancy. At Syndesis we believe when you offer a good value, listen to customers, and do what it takes to get projects complete quickly, then any time is a good time to launch.

This past year we’ve been hands on evaluating and inspecting new product samples, laying out control operation plans, integrating light sources into consumer products as well as commercial industrial lighting.

Our customers have asked for product marketing assistance, market research, collateral development, technical trouble shooting, assistance with both product safety listings and assembly location listing, as well as intellectual property and patent help.

When ideas can happen 24/7 and come from all parts of the arc of ideation to consumption, the teams you rely on must have the same focus.

Whether you have an immediate need, or just want to expand your network of resources for now…contact us.